Name: Juliette Lee
Business Founded: Juliette Lee Gardens
Biography: Though yet to have a garden of her own, Juliette Lee embraced growing plants in containers on her balcony so eagerly that she made a career out of it. She began by studying Professional Gardening and Plant Design at Capel Manor College when her daughter was at nursery full time. Juliette adopted an honest, give-it-a-go approach with her early clients, most of them members of the North Kensington community she met at her exercise class or daughters nursery. She had honed her people skills during her long experience in Retail, as PA to a TV personality and as a Community Support worker, which also gave her an outlet for her creativity and eye for detail. She nurtures plants and maintains gardens as though they were indeed her own. Married to a busy Director of Photography, she successfully manages her clients with school hours in mind, and has assembled a team of multitasking mums and dads to help her keep up with the workload generated through Nextdoor, Bidvine and existing clients.