You may be a young professional, mum, or returner. You may be a student recently graduated or approaching the end of your studies.

Perhaps you have started to think about the option of self-employment. Maybe you have always held a dream to follow a particular passion. Most likely, you are also attracted to the idea of determining your own destiny, and achieving financial independence.

Being an entrepreneur and running a business can be tough, but equally, it can be an exhilarating and life enhancing choice for those who take up the challenge.

What we are aiming to do is help you along the way, by inviting you into our community of female entrepreneurs, so that you can share information and support each other, in a friendly, sociable environment. Sometimes it’s that support that can be the difference between someone persevering or falling at the first hurdle.


So join us, come along to an event, be inspired by women who have already trodden the path, and unlock your own fantastic potential. You are not alone. You can do it.

We look forward to meeting you!