Make It Your Business is a nationwide initiative to encourage and support women like you to start or grow your own business.

Make it Your Business is a not-for-profit organisation founded by entrepreneur, writer and broadcaster Alison Cork and is part of the National Women’s Enterprise Network.

We run FREE events all over the country where women can meet established local female entrepreneurs, learn from their experiences and network with other local inspiring female entrepreneurs, in a relaxed and enabling environment.

We believe in the power of collaboration, with monthly meetings both online and face to face, where any woman can ask any question about enterprise.



Research tells us that women currently make up only 20 per cent of small business start-ups, mainly because they lack confidence, networking opportunities and female role models. We aim to change that. We also know that when women do start a business, they are statistically more likely to succeed than a man (sorry lads!). If as many women as men started their own business, it would also add billions to the economy. Pretty compelling reasons, we think, to encourage female enterprise.

Our website lists all our events throughout the UK. It is free to use and those who register with MIYB will also receive a free monthly newsletter and have free access to all events both face to face and online.