Name: Sarah Austin
Business Founded: Really Helpful Club (RHC)
Biography: After studying Classics and Modern Languages at Oxford, Sarah spent 10 years in the City as a Senior Fund Manager with Baring Asset Management, leaving in 2003 to become a full time mother. She founded Really Helpful Club (RHC) 3 years ago to create an online community that brings together positive, like-minded women to support and connect one another in our personal and business lives. The RHC is all about sharing, discovering and connecting.
RHC is a secure platform which offers a trusted and efficient way of sharing our knowledge and leveraging our networks. With thousands of members, the network is buzzing. RHC brings the members together at all levels from helping them to find trusted solutions in their daily lives to connecting them to life changing opportunities.
Their events bring everything to life and allow the members the opportunity to meet and support one another, connect and learn something new. Their exciting programme of events include workshops and seminars to help women build confidence on their journey back to work either returning to the corporate world or taking the leap to start and grow their own business.