
Name: Katrina Sale

Business Founded: Wisetree

Biography: In 2015, after one-too-many spirit-crushing weeks of late nights spent doing uninspiring work among equally demoralised colleagues, Katrina decided to quit her well-paid marketing job to start her entrepreneurial journey.

She had no plans or funding, just a burning desire to be master of her own destiny and create a business to make a positive impact on the world. Using her existing skills in brand and marketing, she set out on a self-styled ‘Start-Up School’, co-founding 5 small businesses across arts, education, finance, mental health and technology.

Through these experiences she expanded her personal abilities and perspective, learned how to take an idea and make it profitable, and finally envisioned a business to fulfil her passion for empowering and enabling others.

In 2017 she founded Wisetree, a learning and development program that offers organisations training, resources and mentoring program management to develop their company culture and employee skill sets.

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