How I Became an Entrepreneur – Alison Cork’s Story:
I can remember exactly the moment when I realised I might be an entrepreneur. I was five years old, and had discovered that I was able to sell to my classmates the shiny conkers gathered from my grandmother’s lawn. I felt the excitement and sense of achievement from concluding that small transaction, and it stuck with me.
Years later, the entrepreneurial gene kicked in again, when at Uni I needed to help pay my way. This time round, I started a local restaurant guide, and sold advertising into it. Then, like most other students, I applied for the sort of jobs that were expected of me as I approached graduation, but I shall never forget my parents’ tangible disappointment and incomprehension when I told them that I had decided not to take up the BBC’s offer of an interview.
The trouble was, I had realised something about myself. That something, was that I wanted to plough my own furrow. That somehow, a corporate existence wasn’t for me. And so it started. I began my journey as an entrepreneur.
Over thirty years later, I am still ploughing that furrow, and it occurred to me how simple, yet how powerful it could be if female entrepreneurs like myself effectively downloaded our experience for the benefit of others to learn from. How many potential female entrepreneurs could we help on their way, just by telling our stories?
Make It Your Business is the incarnation of that thought process. It is simple, collaborative, supportive and hopefully inspiring. We aim to build a strong and thriving community of female entrepreneurs, both established and aspiring, and we look forward very much to welcoming you into that community.
Join us and fulfil your own potential. We look forward to meeting you.
Founder, Alison at Home
Founder, National Women’s Enterprise Network